In this article we will present the cost of a water distribution system in social areas for the Example Establishment, which consists of 172 hectares divided into 69 plots of between 2 and 2.5 hectares, occupied by 150 steers of 350 kg on average.

In the following image we will see the design of the hydraulic network, which starts from a 2,000 liter/h well to a 5,000 liter HDPE deposit located in the highest area of ​​the land.

From here, it is distributed by gravity to each social area through two polyethylene pipes (63mm) and in each of them 3 concrete drinking fountains of 1,000 liters will be installed. The minimum flow in each drinker is 1500 liters/h, which allows it to never remain without water.

The quoted pump is electric (but it could well be solar) and is controlled by a “hydropneumatic kit” type automation with a 50 liter hydrosphere and a pressure switch, which allows it to turn on and off automatically when consumption is detected in the network.

The system price is shown below:

What advantages does this system have?

What disadvantages does this system have?

En conclusión, el sistema permite al ganado regular su estrés térmico en las horas de más calor. El diseño provee a los animales con agua en calidad y cantidad. Es un sistema ideal para comenzar un PRV, debido a su bajo costo y sencillez en el manejo.
